Two or three things I know for sure, and one is that I'd rather go naked than wear the coat the world has made for me.
- Dorothy Allison (Well-said, Dorothy.)
People's attitudes about sex aren't healthy anywhere, except maybe in those tribes where they go around naked.
- Asia Argento (I tend to agree.)
I wasn't really naked. I simply didn't have any clothes on.
- Josephine Baker (There's a woman with her head screwed on straight.)
I like to walk around my apartment naked. I like sitting around in the nude watching sports, actually.
- Kylie Bax (That, I'd enjoy seeing. She's beautiful even with clothes on.)
I rarely wear clothes when I'm home by myself. I love making breakfast naked. But you've got to make sure the gardener's not coming that day.
Nakedness reveals itself. Nudity is placed on display. The nude is condemned to never being naked. Nudity is a form of dress.
- John Berger (And both nakedness and nudity are wonderful for their own reasons.)
Posing nude is not making porn.
- Blu Cantrell (Absolutely true.)
No nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even if it be only the faintest shadow - and if it does not do so it is bad art and false morals.
- Kenneth Clark (Interesting thought. I think I agree.)
I personally don't have a problem with naked bodies on television.
- Leslie-Ann Down (I agree, Leslie-Ann. Drop the prudish censorship. Plus TV viewership would go up.)
Golf is more fun than walking naked in a strange place, but not much.
- Buddy Hackett (I disagree. I hate golf. But naked people would make it more fun.)
My ideal is to wake up in the morning and run around the meadow naked.
- Daryl Hannah (My ideal is to wake up next to her.)
I'm gonna put a curse on you and all your kids will be born completely naked.
- Jimi Hendrix (So that's why!)
You don't have to be naked to be sexy.
- Nicole Kidman (But it helps, as she's proven decisively.)
I wasn't naked, I was completely covered by a blue spotlight.
- Gypsy Rose Lee (I almost named this blog "blue spotlight" based on this quote.)
To see you naked is to recall the Earth.
- Federico Garcia Lorca (Based on a great poem.)
Shoes and clothing damage our ability to survive naked in the wilderness.
- Steve Mann (That's why everyone should practice being without them.)
I'm glad I am a woman who once danced naked in the Mediterranean Sea at midnight.
- Mercedes McCambridge (I didn't even know who she was, but I like her!)
I used to sleep nude - until the earthquake.
- Alyssa Milano (What does she think she has to be ashamed of?!)
Flesh sells. People don't want to see pictures of churches. They want to see naked bodies.
- Hellen Mirren (Who should know.)
I didn't need clothes. I was allowed the opportunity to act out moments you don't get the opportunity to experience in your own life, let alone as a character in a film. I didn't feel naked.
- Marguerite Moreau (I'm not sure which film she's referring to, but it sounds like one to see.)
I love to swim in the nude and roam around the house in the nude. You're just as free as a bird!
- Bettie Page (Who had one of the healthiest attitudes toward sexuality that anyone has ever shown.)
A bare assertion is not necessarily the naked truth.
- George Dennison Prentice (Clever, and true, albeit not really about nudity!)
I used to wear boxers and a tank top, but now I sleep in the nude. It's kind of weird, because I used to have to wear something to bed, whether it was a tank top or whatever. And now if I have any clothes at all on, it's really hard to get to sleep.
- Laura Prepon (My experience exactly.)
Man's naked form belongs to no particular moment in history; it is eternal, and can be looked upon with joy by the people of all ages.
- Auguste Rodin (Who proved his point quite conclusively.)
Being naked approaches being revolutionary; going barefoot is mere populism.
- John Updike (I agree. What's the fun of only going halfway?)
And finally, of course, the classic poem by Robert Graves, "The Naked and the Nude," which begins:
For me, the naked and the nude
(By lexicographers construed
As synonyms that should express
The same deficiency of dress
Or shelter) stand as wide apart
As love from lies, or truth from art.
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