We see the same thing in the debate over the science of evolution. How could evolution be true if the world is only 6,000 years old? How could anything possibly be true that exceeds the scientific understanding of middle eastern fishermen in AD 30?
And now 68% of Lutheran delegates say that God approves of loving, committed relationships between two people, even if they don't have interlocking anatomy! What is the world coming to? How can such heathen people possibly have insights on spiritual truth?
Our own local Lutheran church, which I attend off and on, is a member of ELCA, and our regional delegates voted in favor of the new policy, though our local pastor opposes it. I will be watching with interest to see whether the larger church's acceptance of unity among lesbians leads to disunity among Christians.
Our pastor's position is that homosexuals were made that way by God, but should "choose" not to exercise that sexuality, as directed by scripture. I say, how very Catholic. Isn't it the Mother Church that decided pastors could be heterosexual as long as they didn't practice their sexuality? And how is that working out?
Seems to me the Bible also frowns on masturbation and other "abominations" while approving (albeit inconsistently) of slavery, polygamy, spousal abuse, and the infanticide of children who don't respect their parents. I suppose some would say, based on holy scripture, that a "practicing" masturbater could not pastor a church. How would they know, do you suppose? And for that matter, how would they know what a homosexual couple living together did or did not do in the privacy of their own bedroom? Couldn't they just say they were mutually celebate? Don't ask, don't tell.
But then, telling a lie would rule you out as a pastor too, I suppose. It's apparently a far more venal offense that living a lie.
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