Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More naked celebrities

Seems like every celebrity these days has candid nude pictures online. And why shouldn't they? In the age of digital cameras and cell phones that can snap pictures anywhere, they're not the only ones. Latest among the celebs: Ashley Greene, from Twilight, and Vanessa Hudgens (again), both of whom are, frankly, hot, and shouldn't be nearly as embarrassed as they seem to be.

Then there's Eric Dane, along with his wife Rebecca Gayheart and their friend Kari Ann Peniche, hanging out (no pun intended) and relaxing naked in a hot tub. This is being billed everywhere as a "sex tape," though there's nothing sexual in it; to me, it just looks like a trio of friends, well, hanging out. (Except on, which shows the video with strategically placed digital pasties, as if it'll burn our eyeballs out to see Eric Dane's penis. Seriously, get a life.) I know, I'm as turned on by nudity as the next guy, especially when you're lucky enough to be surrounded by gorgeous naked women, but seriously, maybe they were just "having fun." And even if they weren't, who the fuck cares? They're three consensual adults. Get over it. And from Access Hollywood: the family of Kari Ann is "heartbroken over the release of the tape, but still 'loves her very much' and is not happy with the choices she has made." Please. She's an adult, for God's sake.

It's time to just take a deep breath and relax, everybody. It's a non-issue except to the titillating rumor-mongers who want to sell ad space on celebrity gossip websites.

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